The Cheriton Players

July 24, 2015

Lord Arthur is cast!

Right, the jury’s back in and the Judge, Justice Sue Alexander, has passed sentence as follows:

Cast for Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime – November 2015

Lord Arthur – Craig Robb
Baines – Richard Perkins
Sybil – Katie Hinds
Lady Julia – Helena Gomm
Lady Windermere – Alex Lofts
Lady Clementina – Jenni Watson
Nellie – Claire Smith
Mr. Podgers – Mike Cornter
Herr Winklekopf – David Cradduck
Dean of Paddington – Ian Monier-Williams

Sue says: “What a fabulous cast we have! Thank you all so much.
Jenny (Cridland) has already done a great job assembling backstage help and she will complete that on her return from holiday. I am very grateful to those who have not been cast for their offers of help with the production.
I currently have holiday dates from most of you which is very helpful in the planning. Please let me know, as soon as you can, if there are any further dates.
I will let you all have scripts as soon as the second batch has arrived from French’s and will be doing a more detailed letter with all sorts of info for you next week. In the meantime, do get in touch if you have any questions.”

Sue can be contacted on 01962 732043 or Keep an eye on our website as we start to publicise the show.