The Cheriton Players

April 13, 2020

Ten minute theatre!

As rehearsals for Murder Weapon have sadly ground to a halt until the autumn, and we are locked up at home with an ever shortening list of DIY projects, we thought it would be rather fun to get everyone writing a ten minute play which the membership can judge anonymously and the best ten maximum (if we get ten) will be performed one evening when we are no longer locked down.

The rules are simple:

  1. This is for fun only, there are no prizes and no hard and fast rules. It is not commercially based, there is no entrance fee and there is no restriction on who can enter BUT they must be either members or friends/regular supporters of the Players and prepared to either cast and direct their plays themselves when the time comes or have someone who is prepared to do that for them. When we do eventually stage it we will charge a modest ticket price to cover our expenses and we hope to have a fun evening or more.
  2. We suggest a MAXIMUM of four cast members (who can play any number of characters) and your play must be no longer than ten minutes. That way we can stage it without hiring the Albert Hall over a period of weeks.
  3. No particular theme or genre (eg drama or comedy), whatever you feel you want to write. But it must be entertaining, do-able and fit for family viewing.
  4. Please submit your entries no later than 31st May 2020. We will then make them available for members and friends to read them, anonymously, and vote for their favourites.
  5. We’re making this up as we go along!

With thanks to Deborah Edgington, Chesil Theatre and others for the inspiration and idea, which we have happily plagiarised.