The Cheriton Players

June 29, 2017


Wednesday 12th July – Annual General Meeting – Cheriton Village Hall 7.00pm for 7.30pm, all welcome. Free drinks, nibbles and natter!

Monday 17th July – First readthrough of The Game’s Afoot by Ken Ludwig – Cheriton Village Hall 7.30pm, all welcome.

Wednesday 19th July – Auditions/casting of The Game’s Afoot by Ken Ludwig – Cheriton Village Hall 7.30pm.

February 29, 2016

A Month of Sundays – ticket update

Cooper&MrsBdancing loresIf you haven’t yet secured your tickets for A Month of Sundays, the wonderfully bitter-sweet comedy by Bob Larbey which is just over two weeks away from curtain up, then hurry!